Reader Comments for Ernie Toppin - Eternal Life

These are reader comments for the article 'Ernie Toppin - Eternal Life'

Reader Comments

Posted by Vanessa in Chandler, Arizona @ 05:47 on Feb 23 2008

Hello Pastor Toppin,
I am from Pastor Campbell's church in Chandler Arizona. I really enjoy ur music. Thx 4 ur ministry. Ps. Maybe if u have time, u can come preach a revival 4 us! God Bless!

Posted by Tusa Su'a in San Jose, Ca @ 01:01 on Jan 24 2008

Pastor Ernie Toppin is really really talented..God has truly blessed him with a talent for music vocally and lyrically if that makes any sense..We performed the night after Pastor Ernie and his wife did at Prescott Conference in I think Jan of 2006 and it was nerve working...After he performed OH Man Of God, I agree that everyone in that tent wanted to hit the altars. The whole acappella group did not want to sing after pastor...anyhow thank you pastor for your music, oh and just to let you know our group "Set Apart" in San Jose have performed two of your songs for our Sat Nite Live Concerts if thats alright with you? WE sing Maybe, Maybe, Maybe, and I'm not afraid to die! It's great we have had many compliments, but we owe it all to you and Gods blessings upon your life...God bless...
~Sister In Christ

Posted by Nicole Toman- Udasco in Union (Budd Lake), NJ @ 15:38 on Dec 20 2007

His voice is just AMAZING as well as his spirit and minisrty. His testimony is also very powerful....He gave me a word from God, and as he got it I felt it! We serve a good and faithful God! Keep it up Ernie! You are super blessed! We will be praying for you...

Posted by patricia in union city, nj @ 20:06 on Dec 7 2007

I just want to thank you for your faithfulness tours the things of God and responding to his call. Our church was part of the revival that you just did in Union ,NJ. All of your messages were very timely. It made a big impac in our hearts. I praise God we were able to be part of almost every service that took place. May God continue to annoint you music minstry for his purpose. Thank you Mrs. Toppin for realesing your husband to do preach God's words : )
God Bless!
Union City ,NJ

Posted by Louisa in Austin @ 22:02 on Nov 21 2007

The word annointed is highly over-used. Big deal, he can sing, so can Justin Timberlake (and he's annointed if anyone ever was ;)

Reply by Nicole in Union, NJ @ 17:05 on Dec 20 2007

You cant be serious...Justin Timberlake? Sure he is annointed... by the devil. Pastor Toppin has super natural God given grace! You obviously never met Ernie Toppin...He is annointed by God!
You need to get your heart right with God...

[report abuse]

Posted by Paul Rosas in whittier ca. @ 20:53 on Jul 11 2007

absolutely great..know what i'm sayin.

Posted by inogene in Rothehithe Church, london @ 13:11 on Jun 27 2007

hi Pastor Toppin, so great to see what God is doing through your ministery keep on giving your all for Jesus and thank you, your music helped me a lot when i was a new convert and even now. anointing doesn't lose it salt. much love and big up everyone world wide in The potters house christian fellowship.

Posted by Vanessa & Aleasha in Northampton @ 23:37 on Jun 21 2007

Hey Pastor Toppin, we were just wondering if when you come to do revival for us in August if u could just slip us a couple of them CD's! Blessing, Thanks... LOL

See you soon Pastor.

Posted by mercedes tate @ 20:22 on Jun 2 2007

hi pastor ernie toppin i go to pastor oroscos church in california but i have heard two sermons by u and yoU ARE SO ANNOINTED by god i hope one day u can come to our church and preach at the door christian fellow ship at south san diego

Posted by fellow brethern in San Antonio @ 19:19 on May 2 2007

we are in a revival with Pastor Ernie Toppin right now , and every night just gets better and better. We have been tromedously blessed by his minestry. His lyrics are awsome and ministers to sinners an a unique way. Thank you for visiting us and thank you for your ministry.

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