Reader Comments for Ernie Toppin - Eternal Life

These are reader comments for the article 'Ernie Toppin - Eternal Life'

Reader Comments

Posted by Anthea and Marsha in UK @ 13:10 on Apr 9 2007

We have just had revival with Evangelist Ernie Toppin which was amazing! I believe many visitors were saved through his personal testimony and the calling of God on their hearts. We cannot explain the effect this has had on our hearts as it goes very deep. Toppin is an excellent singer whose lyrics touch lives and it is a joy to see what God has done for both him and his family. We look forward to seeing you all very soon. God Bless!

Posted by ernie toppin in uk @ 10:10 on Apr 1 2007

Hallo Pastor Ernie Toppin here thank you for all your encouraging words its great to know My ministry is having impact for God

you can buy
my Cds by emailing me at also the new album judgement day is coming out soon God Bless

Reply by Nicolr Toman in union, nj USA @ 16:45 on Dec 20 2007

Hey Pastor Toppin.
Its Nicole Toman from Union, NJ... (The newer converts were me and my husband.)
I would like to buy your CD, Metamoraphisis please. Let me know what to do... Merry Christmas to you and your family. God Bless.
- N. Toman

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Reply by János Hegedüs in Hungary @ 19:49 on May 24 2007

Hi Pastor Ernie Toppin!!!
I was in London in february in Walthamstow church, talk a little bit with pastor Nigel Brown. It is hard now here without Potters house church, we try to survive with my family, visiting another church - Greater Grace - from Baltimore, but is not the same. I use to listen your tape what you give me in Budapest, when I miss the church, it's give us on amazing remembering time.If it's God will, maybe we move in England to be under the pastor Nigel liding. Please pray for us God bless you Ernie!!!
With love in Christ, János

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Posted by Tshepiso in South Africa @ 14:37 on Mar 21 2007

Pastor Ernie has been a great blessing to us at the Meadowlands church in South Africa (The Potter's House led by Ps Joseph Nako).
There is only several of us that have the originals of the three discs, Snowy does a great job singing your songs when we have concerts and street preaching.

Posted by Rebecca v. Langeveld in Amersfoort @ 09:34 on Mar 13 2007

Evangelist Toppin is a great singer! A the moment he is in the Amersfoort church in the Netherlands preaching revival. God is using Ernie Toppin and his radical lyrics to bring lost soul to Christ! What a blessing it is to know such a great man of God and what a privilage it is to have him sing and preach in our congregation!

Posted by ? ? ? in El Paso @ 19:07 on Mar 1 2007

I Know Art Correa. just to let you know, you do not know how to spell Art! lol:)

Reply by Art Correa in El Paso TX @ 19:21 on Apr 7 2007

LOOK "???" I KNOW VERY WELL HOW TO SPELL MY NAME! GOT IT?! lol, ps who are you?

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Posted by Silv in Australia @ 10:44 on Dec 16 2006

Does anyone know where I can get Pastor Toppin's song "Judgement Day". I have all 3 of his c.d's have I missed any. I have Mysteries, Eternal Life and Metamorphosis.

Reply by Art Correa in El Paso T.X @ 00:15 on Jan 31 2007

Ernie Toppin is part of my Fellowship (The Door Christian
Fellowship) and and we recently had a revival with him and he has made a few new CD's. If anyone is interested you can e-mail me at or just go our churche's site at I must say that last time I cheked, the site wasn't finished and hadn't gone through any more progress, and i raely get on the computer myself but you can try our website and if that doesn't work you can e-mail me personaly and we'll see what we can work out. But he has awsome music and an incredible testimony. He turned down a multi-million contract to serve God's will and even had a video on the U.K MTV. God has transformed and blessed this man greatly, and he's not playing no games that's for sure, so don't be afraid you might be listening to someone with a lukewarm relationship with God, He is very much on fire. So contact me if you need any further info. If some way you can't get a hold of us, just search for any of the Door fellowship churches, we'll be happy to help you. God Bless

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Reply by kelly anderson in california @ 19:39 on Jan 22 2007

i think he is the best singer. he was just in elpaso texas preaching and singing for high schools and a church there.

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Posted by Jessica in Tucson, Arizona @ 04:36 on Dec 8 2006

Pastor Toppin,
Thank you so much for comming down to the middle of the desert just to minister! I really appreciate the revival we've just had, and I know the sermons were preached in the right season. Thank you again, for comming down, for being an example, and we'll continue to pray for you and your church. Thank you for answering God's call and hopefully, we'll see you soon again.

Posted by Enzo & Silvia Franco in Melb Vic @ 12:58 on Dec 3 2006

It was a pleasure having met such a wonderfull man ( man of God). Pastor T, thankyou for the encouragement and inspiration you've deposited into our lives. We hope to meet again soon...

Posted by jo in southend @ 10:28 on Nov 28 2006

excellant music, the whole family loves his stuff, he's a great man too.

Posted by Nina Vukicevic in LA @ 05:31 on Oct 12 2006

where can i find his music?

i cannot find it on itunes or anything...and i REALLY want the song you must be born again

if anyone can help...please let me know

Reply by Terrell King in London @ 16:53 on Dec 1 2006

I know Pastor Ernie, and I'll mention this to him. Hopefully we can sort something out.

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