Reader Comments for Richly Blessed

These are reader comments for the article 'Richly Blessed'

Reader Comments

Posted by dee in NY area @ 13:42 on Nov 22 2007

love one another

Posted by munchkin007 @ 22:56 on Nov 13 2007

Wow... I just heard about them having a baby and was like "woah... what happened to that other guy" and in my search for answers I came across this stuff. I agree with everything the Bible says about divorce. Only death or adultery are grounds for divorce. But I have no idea what happened in their marriage. Obviously she wants to keep it private. I think we should all respect that and allow her Father and Lord to heal her without a bunch of strangers arguing about her life choices. It's really not our concern.

Posted by crystal in las vegas @ 05:22 on Nov 8 2007

hey just to say hi and just to ask if u guys have any kids and r u happy together or no and god loves how u guys make people happy with ur music keep it up ok love u guys ur fan crystal=)

Posted by Friz in TN @ 07:10 on Nov 6 2007

I am kind of sad that we are forgetting that the word of God is spirit and life. What does the scripture say? we can't use the scripture in one situation and ignore it in the next. God hates Divorce (Malachi). That is why we should choose a life partner CAREFULLY not just based on our feelings because marriage is permanent and very spiritual. The two shall become one. What God has joined together let no man put asunder. Pick a partner wisely that way some months into the marriage you do not regret your decision and even if you did. Nothing is impossible with God. Stick with the marriage!!! because one is only free from marriage when their partner dies. GO TO THE BIBLE AND SEE WHAT THE LORD SAYS ABOUT DIVORCE!!!

Posted by Grandma Smith in NJ @ 06:51 on Oct 9 2007

Okay everybody, enough is enough. You all sound like wanna-be preachers. Jaci & Nic make a fabulous couple & we all know it. As for the adultery stuff, let God be the judge. Were any of you there to witness any of it? NO!! is just here-say!!! There are always three sides to the story. His side. Her side.....and the TRUTH. So in reference to Jaci's previous marriage. Maybe her first husband was a drunk. Maybe he
beat her. Who knows. Were you there? NO!!! Now she is with Nic!!! He seems extremely thrilled to be with her by looking at their wedding photo. So let them enjoy their marriage and you enjoy yours!! Lord Have Mercy on us ALL!!!

Posted by Iris Erielle Foss in Mancelona, Michigan @ 20:34 on Oct 2 2007

King David commited many sins, even murder! Yet, God considered him, " A man after God's own heart" He wrote many pages of the Bible and he will 4ever be known as " King David"

Look at Peter, He denied Jesus Christ as Lord, ( imagine that? ) He cut a soldiers ear off, Had a bad temper... Yet, God called him " The Rock" and to him He gave the keys of heaven.

Think about guys, time & time again we see in the Bible how God used ordinary poeople that sinned and failed...yet God has His way

Jaci & Nic have no clue who I am and prabably never will in this life time...But, I know 4 sure I'll see them both in My Fathers house.

Posted by Diana in Lockhart @ 04:40 on Jul 23 2007

How do you figure that THEY ARE IN AN ADULTEROUS RELATIONSHIP? Please enlighten me.

Posted by morticia117 in NYC @ 22:16 on Jun 19 2007

Are we not to judge the angels in teh last days as Paul has said. At least we are just talking about how 2 CCM musicians are in an adulterous relationship rather than stoning them like in the old times. Yes THEY ARE IN AN ADULTEROUS RELATIONSHIP.
God does forgive but in my opinion, they keep on sinning by mocking God. How? By spreading His word yet living an adulterous life, by continuing to stay together, etc....
I used to feel fine with them but now I feel sorry for them... Only God knows whats in it for them in the future...

Reply by Kailynn in Earth @ 18:21 on Nov 1 2008

They are not in an adulterous relationship. You have no idea what you're talking about. You're clueless.

If they were committing adultery, one of them would STILL have to be married in order to have an affair. They were both single when they met and started dating.

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Posted by Elisa in Texas @ 01:50 on Mar 27 2007

okay stop the judgeing i am a true big fan of through her music i become close to God and with Salvador (nic) i have to say his music is the best and when i hear it i feel that God is with us and he will take care of us and i am glad that nic and jaci got married i love nic he is my brother in Christ and jaci is my sister in Christ and my prayers go them and when two people have a passion for God everything works out okay and for the best God bless you nic and jaci

Posted by I_love_latin MUSIC!! in SOMETIMES SUNNY CALIFORNIA @ 23:27 on Mar 22 2007

hey itz March and i just found out Nic and Jaci got married hahahaha wow that waz compleatly out of the blue!!! but although he left broken heartz haha jk I am happy they found eachother and now Jaci has someone she can actualy relate to in the music industry...God BLESS them!!! and comon guys no more judeging would we feel if that was us.....i think they need no explinations.......GOD BLESS THEM AND their future togethr...WOW they are gonna have REALY TALENTED CHILDREN!!!

Reply by Diana in Lockhart, Texas @ 04:37 on Jul 23 2007

Did you know Jaci is pregnant?

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