Reader Comments for Further Gospel Revelations

These are reader comments for the article 'Further Gospel Revelations'

Reader Comments

Posted by Everest Tucker in NY @ 21:32 on Oct 21 2010

Adultery, like the many other sins, would either not occur at all, or very rarely, if we were aware that the Almighty sees us all the time! I mean, He knows what we're doing, and it's even worst than that... The Lord God knows what we going to do before we do it! Come on, if Adam and eve were aware of the father's ever present gaze, would they have fallen for that clever serpent's mindless chatter? Remember people, The Lord God is watching us, as are a multitude of the Host!

Posted by Son of Judah in Las Vegas @ 19:53 on Oct 1 2010

The truth is my people of Israel,Babylon(USA) has turnd us agaist our father YAH(GOD) and has changed the ways of our people.The point is,In actuallity,a man has ben givin the Yahly(Godly) right to have another wife.Yah(GOD) never said it was wrong for the man to married more than one woman.In fact he said that his Kingdom is like it(Matt25).He never gave that option to the woman(1 Cori7:39).But a man is definately not supposed to take another mans wife.It is worthy of death(Levi20:10).But/also,no one is to commit fornication and thats somethan we all know.If Tye had married her it wouldn't have been sin.But,as a people we are still stif'necked like he called us back in the old time.Is it illegal in the US?Yes.But,Is it right with YAH(GOD)??YES IT IS!!Will you take a stand for righteousness and stand up to this beastly system that is before you?I am.Even if I stand alone like the Prophets did.My prayer is that my people(ISRAEL) WAKE UP NOW!!!He is returning soon.To the BLACKS OF AMERICA,U ARE JUDAH.CHECK OUT THE YOUTUBE VIDEOS ON LOST TRIBES OF ISRAEL.MOST OF THE COLORED PEOPLE ARE YAHS(GODS) CHOSEN.BLACKS,MEXICANS,LATINOS,HAITIANS,JAMAICANS,PUERTO RICANS,INDIANS,ect..WAKE UP!!!!

Reply by Stephanie Layne in Staten Island @ 20:17 on Nov 3 2010

Actually, I disagree with you. God recognizes the laws of the land. He has set up laws for us to follow and wants us to follow the laws of the land as well. With that said, because Polygamy is against the law, the Lord recognizes this and does not give us permission to break the law. So no, he could not have taken this woman on to be a wife. ALL HAVE SINNED AND COME SHORT OF THE GLORY OF GOD. No one sin is greater than the other. If you LIE to someone, your sin is just as bad as someone committing adultery. Recognizing your actions as a sin and recommitting yourself to God is what God wants for us, so do not look down upon one person for a sin and not another. If someone asks God for forgiveness than that is all that matters. I have sinned, you have sinned, we ALL have sinned. Tye got back up and returned to his Maker and for that I praise God, because he recognized, asked for forgiveness, and God forgave him. Now LEAVE HIM ALONE!!!

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Reply by wow @ 20:50 on Oct 29 2010

I think you will be standing alone on this

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Reply by 227 in LA @ 23:30 on Oct 25 2010

Stop interpreting the Bible to fit your life and go to Bible study and Sunday school to learn the truth.

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Posted by J.T americas youth in Miami Fl. @ 07:43 on Sep 21 2010

What a huge lesson to learn and a huge price to pay for anyone flirting with Delila. These issues should be dealt with honestly and with love. We all know that God is rich in mercy even after something like this but we still need to learn from our mistakes and do better. As a married man with a newborn son, I face temptation mostly everyday. Some days are more tempting than others. One thing that helps me with being faithful is just running from temptations like joseph that includes temptations in my mind. I cant fight those strong desires but I can run. Seeing my brothers in Christ fall so hard in these matters gives me strength to run harder. Thank you Jesus for your power!

Reply by badaka in ny @ 04:18 on Oct 15 2010

I'm so thankful for your comment. So encouraging that this situation humbles you and makes you seek strength in Jesus all the more. Any of us can fall at any moment if we allow pride to blind us in our steps. Abiding in Jesus all of the time and constantly taking our thoughts captive in submission to Him, is necessary for a successful walk. His grace is sufficient only if we go to Him, not our flesh, in our weakness. I pray that the frequency of your temptations diminish to the point of obliteration in Jesus' name. (facing temptation "mostly everyday" is definitely not a good thing ;-)

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Posted by laolu in nigeria @ 20:40 on Jul 22 2010

just got really into gospel music and datruth and tye tribbett were part of my favourites artistes. i was so vexed until i read datruths apology. mhen was i touched and i realised i had no rite to judge and ad sinned in judging. it could have been me... now I like datruth even beta.

Posted by Juliana @ 23:30 on Jul 12 2010

Everybody sins and everybody makes mistakes. We can't judge them because we're not perfect ourselves. If thy apologize accept them back the way God would. The bible says if we are faithful and just and repent then God would forgive our sins.

Reply by Bill in Conyers, ga @ 23:50 on Nov 29 2010

Da truth is all of us have been caught in something one way or another. But, and I say But if it had not been for Graaaaace. Everyone here making comments would be wiped off the face of the earth.
Lust is a very strong Demon. and in someway or another all of us have been caught out there if not once many times and there are some of who struggle and will continue to struggle. But for the Grace of God. It's funny to hear people comment like they would have handle it differently. Well maybe you would have but what about that stuff you did that nobody knew you did but God and you ? When you understand relationship and not religion these things are not meant for you to put your negative 2 cents in it's meant for you to pray our brothers and sisters through just like someone did for you.

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Posted by John in Missouri @ 15:16 on Jun 14 2010

The gifts and callings of God is without repentance. Yes they ay have to step down for a season but if they are still called by God to minister then they need to eventually continue. Peter in the Bible fell and he did not stop being a disciple. Kind David fell but he was still King and and a man after God's heart according to what God says. Yes what they did was wrong and they need to repent. But this is in no way means the end of their lives. They just need to change their ways.

Posted by Through! in Aiken SC @ 13:39 on Jun 9 2010

last i heard, alduterers and fornicators God will judge...sooooo everybody else judging might as well fall back bc wheter u like it or not, God is the ONLY one who really knows what goes on behind closed doors...mind ya business and cover your brothers and siters while they recover!

Posted by Touching&Agreeing in New Jersey @ 23:24 on Jun 2 2010

Allegations, gossip, whatever is the truth - the damage has been done to all parties so named. IMO we should distinguish between 'perfection' and 'consistent'. No, not one of us humans is perfect; but we can all - even in our humanity - be consistent. Let our words be consistent with our actions, that's all. Everything else is just a show; and the Almighty is not impressed, nor is the Body of Christ built up, but the devil has a good laugh.

Posted by MJ's biggest fan in LA all day @ 08:14 on Jun 1 2010

man that sucks. U know people fornicate, and commit adultry all the time. But when ur in a position of leadership, people look up to you and ur not allowed to slip, because if u do ur following will lose confidence in u and sometimes even in ur cause in this case christian music of even God himself for the people that are not as strong in the lord.
Also when ur that high up U get very busy and the time u had to spend in prayer is taken up with photoshoots and ensuring your status doesnt fall. Thats a consistent pitfall to christian men and women. "FAME"
But who am I to judge that could of been me. Or someone I loved. Notice how the people who dont slip like that were rooted like a tree planted by a river of water before the fame kicked in. but even King David slipped... more than once... same with Peter the apostle that literally walked with God for three years in physical form.

Posted by Joannie in GA @ 21:03 on May 31 2010

My church was given a prophetic word that the east wind of correction was blowing...on everything. Whom God loves he chastens. Although Tye and Da TRUTH have some work ahead of them, not to mention the other guilty parties, I feel that now is the time for America to pause and think about their actions. Now is when you get it right. God is saying explicitly that you had a chance to get it right (he never chastens without a warning of some kind) and now the revealing light is gonna shine on you. So unlike most people who are bad mouthing the people involved in this really WEIRD love triangle, I'm going to take this time to judge myself so I won't have to be judged by Him.
I Corinthians 11 (read it!!)
To whoever sees this comment: Pray for these people. They have faults too...but don't kick them when they are down. encourage them.

The opinions expressed in the Reader Comments are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms.

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