Reader Comments for Further Gospel Revelations

These are reader comments for the article 'Further Gospel Revelations'

Reader Comments

Posted by Shama in Central NJ @ 22:20 on Dec 28 2009

Let take the spot light off these people let focus on a preacher from plainfield and have a church on 7th st and is sleeping with his flock OMG. God will in time explose all these men who say they are men of God. Help us all

Posted by Krisho Holmes in Jamaica @ 22:20 on Dec 26 2009

Uhh...Man is not perfect at all. Many say they chose to do what they did but remember the temptation is a battle and in that battle you will be scarred and bruised, falling into fornication is a bruise to the Christian Body but it is giving up the fight that is when all is lost. You and I can comment, but where are we in the sight of God? Are we winning our own battles as Christians or is it hidden and waiting to be exposed. These individuals might have presented their situation to the Father already and he has forgiven them. Lets move on with fasting and prayer for them and even more ourselves.

Posted by J Mosley in Michigan @ 19:48 on Dec 22 2009

What's up with the negative comments?! Everyone has fallen short of the glory of God!! No one is exempt from temptations of the flesh, no matter who they are! We should pray for the whole body, & we shouldn't condem them! Yes, we have the right to be dissapointed, but we should make sure that we aren't speaking negative things about them, and we should make sure we aren't judging them!

Nobody is perfect!!

Posted by Dnonymous @ 16:24 on Dec 22 2009

I begin writing not knowing much what to write. I stay away from People magazine because hi profile problems don't really fascinate me. This issue however made me stop and respond.

I have known Tye personally in a few arenas. He is a big name now but wasn't always. What I have seen in the years I have known him personally and in the publice eye is that he is real. He is flawed and has never denied being flawed.

I didn't read most of the comments above because it is just another sad field day of persecution. The last comment above actually echoed my own thoughts.

The people in the worl should not be our idols nor be percevied as perfect. Christ alone was perfect.
Myself I cheated on my wife some years ago, and continued cheating because of shame, and an inability to confess my sins. This lead to what will soon be my divorce.

My prayer is that Tye and Shante "look up" and perhaps redeem the vow that they took before God.
Infidelity iand fornication have been high in the church for some time. But so has divorce.

Posted by Rev. M. Hilton in VA @ 00:38 on Dec 20 2009

I am not dissapointed because they are chirstians or ministers. I dissapointed because they have to deal with such a tough situation. I am also dissapointed in some of the other posts on this site that question both men's charater, righteousness, and salvation. (Hey, Mr or Ms "Love God" need to read the 3rd Chapter of Galatians.)
Paul, in the book of Roman(who has given the bulk of how we conduct ourselves as the church) even says that he himself has a hard time doing what is right! Even David, who was a man after God's own heart, slept with Bathsheba...and when she became pregnant, David had her husband killed. Peter walked with Jesus, yet he denied Jesus. ...people Tye and Emmanuel (da truth), Paul, David, Peter, and You and I ARE NOT EXAMPLES OF A CHRISTIANS! We and they alike, are only sinners saved by grace. The ONLY example is CHRIST! The reason why so many believers and non-believers are so jacked up in their faith, is because so many leaders try to appear to "be" the "example."
If our christian leaders would begin to express that they don't have it together, and that they are not the example the Body of Christ will begin to grow and CLEARLY SEE JESUS WHO IS THE REAL EXAMPLE! Paul said it best. As he tries to help us, he also tells us that he doesn't consider himself to have it ALL right...but yet he is still pressing toward the mark. He also says that he is a wretched man, but JESUS saves him from himself.
In closing, our leaders are not super human or super saved. They are just like everybody else...let us keep our leaders in prayer, as we show the world that we are not the example....CHRIST IS!!

Posted by tina in stl.ouis @ 15:35 on Dec 17 2009

i agree a little leaven leaven the whole lump. when sin breaks out you have to abstain immediatly or it will spread to others. All they need to do is focus on psalms 51. God can restore them, after he has done so continue to stay away from that spirit of fornication, when you feel it tugging FLEE you cant play around with it! its the only thing the Lord tells us to RUN AWAY from its a strong hold. to the ones involved go after God till you get your break through

Posted by TYE BEE in Lexington KY @ 23:15 on Dec 14 2009

One thing we have to keep in mind is that we as people have been given the power to decide right or wrong. These two artist have been influential in my life and have encouraged me to be myself so I'm gonna be real and say that this saddens me but it doesnt stop me from doing my ministry, whether it be teaching or singing, to speak negatively. True enough, we all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. But with that being said the word of God states in Jude that He is able to keep us from falling.

We've got to look to the hills from whence cometh our help and understand us continuing to discuss this isn't solving the issue or helping these families heal from wounds that are deeper then some of us could even imagine...

Prayer is the key. Talking and categorizing these artist as if they aren't fleshly beings like as we, is not whats up. remember your downfalls and how you needed prayer fasting and Gods word to help you get yourselves together. Be encouraged...

Remember the second of the commandments Christ left us:

Love your neighbors as yourselves

Posted by FaithRaven in Bahamas @ 16:00 on Dec 7 2009

lost for words...........................right now...

Posted by Sheldon Turner in Muskegon, MI @ 14:54 on Dec 7 2009

Umm, i dont believe that whole thing about Tye. He is the most honest man of god there is! i've looked up to him for music ministry! Gospel music has change for the better. God sent him for a reason, and if its the truth, its just a test and he will make it through

Reply by Mr. Industry Exec in Philly, PA @ 00:08 on Jan 20 2010

For people saying it’s all gossip or have a weak stance to the situation, The Bible says we are to hold each other accountable. If we hide their sins or don't discuss it (not gossip) pastors all over the world will continue to ask Tye and Truth to minister to their flocks because they are not aware of what happened! Both were ministering until their sin was made public and kept ministering after they were caught, but you don't want to call them out!? Wake up!

Da' Truth is still with Tye's wife. He’s hurting his wife & new babygirl. That's his free will choice and I think it's a bad one. Devil got him all messed up in the head and we men need to help him come to his senses, not remain silent and be in denial!

We all need each other’s help when the temptations come! I bet he’d be back with his family if more of the Body publicly held him accountable!

Sheldon Turner- you & many gospel music fans are blinded by an unbiblical admiration of men. Just because Tye's music is great you think this is not true? It is. If it wasn't I would've contacted the editor to post corrections immediately because then it would be gossip.

Artists sin like us. I see things behind the scenes that you don't. They smoke cigarettes & weed, run women, are homosexuals, they watch porn, lie & cheat people out of money. Some repent, others don't care what they do because they have a mantle. For some artists, you mean nothing to them so stop coveting them.

Let’s call the sin for what it is and let it be public just like they wanted their mantle and ministry to be, love on them, hold them accountable, sit them down for as long as it takes & help with the repentance process! We all need grace and mercy, not gossip (too far right) OR denial (too far left)!

We men need more strong leaders in the church. Ladies, have your "feelings" and feel disappointed, but be strong too & demand repentance AS you pray for them.

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Reply by TimothyTitus in Atlanta @ 16:43 on Dec 17 2009

Sheldon, what are you talking about? ALL HAVE SINNED - including Tye.

[report abuse]

Posted by Ashlee Smith in South Carolina @ 23:31 on Dec 5 2009

OMG! i cannot believe what secrets is coming out!!!

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